XML data format reference
Added <Cfg> attribute Focused, FocusedPos and FocusedCol
Excluded from file TreeGridDataFormats.htm
Added <Cfg> attributes AcceptEnters and VarHeight
Added <
Added <Cfg> attribute NoFormatEscape
Added Cell attribute WidthPad
Added <B> attribute NameXY
Added <IO Session> attribute
Updated <Header> section, multi rows header support
Added <Img> description
Deleted <Cfg> attributes CacheImages and ImgPath
Added <Cfg> attributes DebugCalc, DateStrings
Added <I> attributes LeftVal,
MidVal, RightVal. Cell attributes Button,
Basic description of TreeGrid XML format is there.
Description of all attributes in all tags. This notation uses C syntax,
but of course in XML are all values strings.
string is value from any
visible characters. int is integer number. bool is boolean value 0 or 1 (not false and true !).
Array is list of comma separated
In [ ] is default value from file Defaults.xml.
Floating point numbers use ‘.’
as decimal separator and no thousands separator. Don’t use zeroes, if they are
not required, instead of “
Date and time values are in English notation (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss).
Date and time values can be also set as number of milliseconds from
You can set any other custom
attributes or even tags and use their values in formulas or in your own JavaScript
functions and event handlers.
<IO> Request or server response. If error occurred, this is
usually the only tag returned. If there were no error or warning, this tag is
usually missing.
int Result General result of
server response, 0 means OK, >0 OK with warning, <0 Error, sent data were
not accepted.
string Message Server
response message, if set, this text is alerted to user, independently of Result
string Session Sent to server from client, was read from
<treegrid> tag. It identifies server session.
can be sent from server to client to change this parameter.
the IO is not sent to server if method <treegrid ???_Method=’Get’> is used
<Img> Images settings, image files and
sizes. Change them only if you want to use another or custom image set. See changing images.
string Grid [“Grid.gif”] Image
file with all grid icons except toolbar icons
int Height
[17] Height of all
icons in grid except toolbar icons, in pixels
int Line
[21] Width of all
tree straight line icons
int Tree
[26] Width of all
tree ending icons
int Panel
[13] Width of all
left panel icons
int Sort
[14] Width of all
sorting images in header
int Filter
[17] Width of all
filter images
int Row
[17] Width of all
row content images (checkbox, calendar)
string Toolbar [“Toolbar.gif”] Image
file with all toolbar icons
int ToolbarHeight
[16] Height of all
toolbar icons
int ToolbarWidth
[25] Width of all
toolbar icons
string DragOne [“DragOne.cur”] Cursor
file. This mouse cursor is displayed when dragging one row or column
string DragMore [“DragMore.cur”] Cursor
file. This mouse cursor is displayed when dragging more rows.
<Cfg> Grid settings
Main settings
string id [...] Unique ID of created
TreeGrid on the page, under this name will be stored configuration to cookies.
By this name can be
TreeGrid accessed from JavaScript code, as Grids[id].
It is also ID of
<TABLE> tag where grid is rendered. This tag replaces <TreeGrid>
value is “TableX”, where X is grid index, from
int Version
[0] Version of data.
Grid loads cfg from cookies only if version is the same as saved.
Change this number
whenever data structure (especially number of columns, column names and types)
int MainCol [0] Main
column with tree, empty for pure grid without tree
int Paging [0] Method
of paging used. This paging is only for root rows, best for pure grids or trees
with many root nodes.
0 – None. All rows are in one page, pager cannot be visible. All
rows are rendered on start. This means slow start and fast use.
It is good for small grids, up to
about 500 rows in root.
1 – Show all. Pages are automatically
created but all are rendered on start. For AllPages = 1 is the same as None but
with pager enabled.
For AllPages=0 is the same as
Auto. It is good for medium grids, 250 – 1000 rows in root.
2 – Auto (Client) Pages are automatically created.
For AllPages = 1 is
page rendered only when is visible in window by scrolling for 500ms.
For AllPages=0 is page rendered
immediately but is visible only one page at a time and after switch to another
is re-rendered.
It is good for large grids up to
10 000 rows. All functions still works offline, include sorting, filtering and
3 – Load (Server) Pages are created by server and TreeGrid downloads only
page being displayed.
The server is
responsible for sending data for requested page and also for sorting and
Calculations are
still possible offline on client, but must be prepared on server.
It is good for very
large grids, with more then 10 000 or for grids with special relations or
grids need be online.
For server
application you can use TreeGrid.dll/so.
int ChildPaging [2] Method of paging of children rows in tree.
– None.
All rows, including all children are rendered on start. This means slow start
and fast use.
– Auto.
Rendered on start are only children of expanded rows. Children of collapsed
parent are rendered on first access.
means faster start for collapsed tree, but slower first expanding of collapsed
– Load.
Children of collapsed row are downloaded at first expand. Server must be able
to send the children of the row.
For server
application you can use TreeGrid.dll/so.
int PageLength
[20] Average count of rows in
page when Paging is auto and
automatically creates pages.
Exact count of rows
in pages can differ due to adding or deleting rows or in last incomplete page.
Every page must
contain at least one row or is deleted. Exception is when grid does not contain
any row, but must contain one page.
Generating id (when adding new
string LastId [“”] Last
(maximal) id. New generated id (of new added row) will get next id. If empty,
on first adding grid must find the last id.
IdPrefix and / or IdPostfix are used, this attribute must start with IdPrefix
and end with IdPostfix
string IdChars
["_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"] Accepted characters when generating
id. In this order.
if LastId is “ab” the next id is “ac”, for “az” is “ba” for “zzz” is “____”
id cannot start with digit, if you want to use digits, use also IdPrefix.
string IdPrefix [“”] This
string is inserted before generated new id.
string IdPostfix [“”] This
string is appended at the end of generated new id.
Grid capabilities
bool Editing [1] Values
of grid can be edited
bool Deleting [1] Rows
can be deleted
bool Selecting [1] Rows
can be selected
bool Adding [1] Rows
can be added
bool Sorting [1] Rows can be sorted
bool Dragging [1] Rows
can be moved by mouse
bool ColResizing [1] Columns
can be resized. Remember, column resizing is slow.
bool ColMoving [1] Columns
can be moved by mouse dragging. Inside its section only (LeftCols, Cols,
bool SuppressMessage [0] Grid
is silent, does not display messages
bool SuppressCfg [0] Does not use client settings in cookies
(0 – uses, 1 – does not load, 2 – does not save, 3 – both)
Grid configuration, used only
at first time or when Version changes or when SuppressCfg=1or when ...Lap = 1
If you need to overlap saved cfg for any parameter, set attribute ...Lap to 1 (for example for SortCols
set SortColsLap = ‘1’)
bool Sorted [0] Sorting is enabled by user
bool AutoSort [0] Row is sorted if value is changed
after edit
string [] SortCols [] Array
of column names (comma separated), according to them are rows sorted, in this
order. Max 3 columns.
int [] SortTypes [] Array
of sort types (comma separated) for every column in SortCols, bit array: bit 1
(&1) – 0 DESC, 1 ASC, other bits
bool Calculated [1] Calculating
is enabled by user
bool AutoUpdate [0] If
true, after any change, sends changed data to server
bool ShowDeleted [1] Shows deleted rows (in red). For true
are deleted still visible and can be undeleted.
int Hover [1] What blinks under mouse
cursor. 0 – nothing, 1 – border (caption, panel, ...), 2 – border and cells
int SortIcons [1] How sorts and shows icons. 0 –
hides icons and sorts by click to cell, 1 – shows icons and sorts by click to
cell, 2 – sorts by click to icon
bool ShowDrag [1] Shows dragged object under mouse
bool HidePanel [0] Row’s left panel is hidden by user
bool AllPages [1] When paging enabled, shows all
pages at once and renders page on demand, when displayed by scrolling.
For false shows one
page at a time and switches to pages only by pager click.
bool ColsLap [0] Overrides saved configuration
for column positions and widths, if set this settings from cookies is ignored.
bool FilterLap [0] Overrides saved configuration for
filters, if set this settings from cookies is ignored.
bool PagerWidthLap [0] Overrides saved configuration for pager width,
if set this settings from cookies is ignored.
Other settings
HelpFile["Help.html"] Path and filename of TreeGrid help.
int RowHeight [0] Minimal height of one row, it
must be set if not all rows have the same height (have different images for
bool Prepared [0] Prepare grid to speed up loading
grid. If prepared, date-time values are set as count of milliseconds from
Set Prepared to 1 for
large grid also if grid does not contain date-time values.
int CacheTimeout
[5] How long TreeGrid waits for
all images complete loaded, in seconds.
If the timeout
expires, TreeGrid alerts warning and continues rendering.
bool DebugCalc [0] Set
it to 1 to see all errors in calculations. Set it only when debugging not in release
errors are caused by syntax errors in formulas or when any input value is null
or by missing CalcOrder.
bool DateStrings [0] If
set to 0 (default) Date values are uploaded as numbers (milliseconds from
if set to 1, Date values
are uploaded as strings in English format (M/d/yyyy HH:mm:ss).
bool NoFormatEscape [0] If
set to 1, you can use HTML tags in columns Format
string, in prefix and postfix for text and anywhere for numbers.
bool AcceptEnters [0] If
set to 1, pressing Enter key textarea inserts new row as usual in HTML. To
finish editing is possible by Alt+Enter.
always inserts LF only (
bool VarHeight [0] If set to 1, the rows can have
different height. This height is automatically computed according to highest
cell in the row.
it to 1, when you want to use multi line textarea (cell attribute Rows>1) or you include to cells
various HTML code.
Variable row’s height is not recommended to
use with Paging (Child paging is mostly ok).
Setting to 1 can slow down grid rendering
and also grid images may not fit in rows.
string Focused [ ] Id
of focused row. When used server paging, it can be id or position of page with
focused row and FocusedPos is used too.
int FocusedPos
[0] Position of focused row
at page when used server paging.
string FocusedCol [] Name
of focused column
<D> Default row or
column. From this row are
filled all attributes in pointed row or column that are not explicitly set.
This tag can only be in <Def>
string Name Name of the default. Required. To this name points row’s Def attribute to use this default.
also chapter Names and
IDs. Predefined names (in Defaults.xml) are:
“C” –
default column for all columns, column cannot have the Def attribute. You
cannot mix the “C” with other rows defaults.
“R” –
default row for all rows and defaults without Def attribute and for all
attributes not set in row and even in its default (s).
– default row for all fixed (head and foot) rows without Def attribute.
string Def The
default can also point to another default by specifying its name in Def
From this parent
default reads all attribute values not explicitly set.
attributes are the same as in <I>
or <C> tag, depends for what
it is default. Except id attribute.
<Panel> Row’s left panel settings. This tag can
only be in <Grid>.
Visible [1] If the panel is visible. The panel can be
hidden also by Cfg.HidePanel attribute.
Select [1] If the button Select is visible. This button
is hidden also if Cfg.Selecting attribute is 0.
Delete [1] If the button Delete is visible. This button
is hidden also if Cfg.Deleting attribute is 0.
<C> One column settings. Values of not set attributes
are read from default <D Name=”C”>. This tag can be in tags <LeftCols>, <Cols>, <RightCols>.
Column position grid is according to its position in parent tag. This is
used only for first display on client or when Cfg.Version changes, otherwise is
column position read from cookies. Column caption is set in tag <Header>.
string Name
[“”] Column name.
Required. By this name are accessed cells in this column. See also chapter Names and IDs.
string Type [text] Column type:
Bool boolean value 1 and 0 – in HTML is
displayed as checkbox
Int integer number – in HTML is displayed
as formatted text according to Format
when editing, this is
displayed in <INPUT type=”text”> and is formatted according to EditFormat string
when editing, only valid keys are
accepted, the other are ignored.
Float floating
point number, other is same as in int
Enum enumeration – index to array Enum. In HTML is displayed string from
Enum array on position given by this value.
when editing,
displays <SELECT> with items from Enum array with this value as selected
the enumeration can be used for special
sorting, when you need to have non standard order.
Date date
and/or time. In input data is this value number of milliseconds from 1.1.1970.
the value is displayed as
formatted text according to Format
when editing, this
is displayed in <INPUT type=”text”> and is formatted according to EditFormat string
when editing, there is displayed
button on the right in the cell to show date picker to select date from
calendar (Button=”Date”)
Text string –
if Rows=1 is displayed as text and when editing in <INPUT type=”text”>
if Rows
> 1 is displayed in <TEXTARREA> with given number of rows.
Pass password,
it is displayed as “***”, when editing is displayed in <INPUT
for now passwords are sent not
string Format [‘’] Format string for int, float and date types.
Format string is the same as in function ToString
( ) in Microsoft .NET. See description.
EditFormat [‘’] Format string for editing. See description.
string [] Enum [‘’] List
of values for enum type. This is
array in string. The first character is the separator and this separator is
used to separate items of array.
item cannot contain the separator. For example “,one, two,three” or “|1,1|2,3”.
int Rows [1] Count of rows in input
cell for type text. 1 – input type
text, >1 – textarrea.
To include CRLF in
data for textarea, you need to use entities 
If you use AcceptEnters, use only LF (
To permit inserting
new rows to textarea by Enter key, you need to set <Cfg> attribute AcceptEnters.
bool CanEdit [1] Column
values can be edited
bool CanFocus [1] Column
cells can be focused
bool CanResize [1] Column
can be resized
bool CanMove [1] Column
can be moved
bool CanHide [1] If column
is displayed in columns menu and can be hidden or displayed by user.
Setting to 0, the column can
be shown or hidden by API only.
bool CanFilter [1] Rows
can be filtered by this column
bool CanSort [3] If
and how can rows be sorted by this column, 1.bit (&1) – can sort rows by
this column, for other bits see Grid-SortType
int SortType [0] The way of sorting strings,
bit array: bit 1 reserved,
bit 2 (&2) – 1 = localized sorting, bit 3
(&4) – 1 = case insensitive, bit
4 (&8) = ignore white chars
given by WhiteChars attribute.
string WhiteChars = “ “ White
chars to ignore when sorting with SortTypes = 8. Default is space only. Setting
this attribute can slow down sorting.
bool ToolTip [0] Cell
values are displayed as tool tip on mouse hover
string Formula [‘’] Formula for calculated column. If
set, column is calculated. See document
Cell Formulas.
Remember, set
CalcOrder for every row if you use in some formula result of another formula on
the same row.
Remember, all cell
values you use in formula must be set in all rows. Value not set is not 0 but
“undefined” and cannot be calculated.
Best way is to set all
values from formula to
string Button [] Type of button on the right in the cell. None (no button), Button (user <BUTTON>), Img
(user <IMG>), Date (date
picker for date type),
Html (any HTML code). Default value is None for all types except date for that is Date. See also WidthPad
and ButtonText attributes.
int WidthPad
[0] Width
of button/img tag. If Button = Button
or Img or Html, then is required value
string ButtonText [''] Button
text or img src or HTML code for Button = Button
or Img or Html.
int Width
[] Column width
in pixels, if empty is computed before the grid is first displayed
int Size
[] Max
characters in tag input / textarrea
bool Visible [1] Column
is visible, see also CanHide.
<Header> Top header with column captions. This tag can
only be in <Grid>. In cell values are titles (captions) for
individual columns
It contains also settings of root node.
string CDef [“R”] The
name of default for child rows in root. See CDef in tag <I>.
int Rows
[1] Count of rows
in header, 1 is minimum, use for multi-caption headers
If there are more
rows than 1, one row is main row with column captions and functions for
sorting, resizing and moving columns
and other rows are
section rows with no user input, but can be spanned to more columns and also
can contain html code.
If you set
Rows>1 you must set all apropriate LeftXX, MidXX and RightXX
attributes too !
If you set
Rows>1 you usually need to disable column moving ability <Cfg
string LeftRC [“”] Cell value for other rows then
RC are wild-cards, attribute name is for example Left00
or Left312 (R is always one digit, C can be larger).
R is row index, cannot be the same as
C is cell index from 0. No one index can be skipped.
Value can be a HTML
int LeftRCSpan [1] How many columns this cell spans.
You have to span all columns in section. This is for left columns section.
Sum of ...Span must be the same as count of
all columns in section (except row panel).
string RightRC [“”] Cell value for right columns section,
see LeftRC.
int RightRCSpan [1] Span for right columns section, see LeftRCSpan.
string MidRC [“”] Cell value for variable columns
section, see LeftRC.
int MidRCSpan [1] Span for variable columns section,
see LeftRCSpan.
<B> One page with variable rows.
If Grid.Paging is not 3 (Load)
this is usually only one with all rows inside and without any attribute.
This tag can only be in tag <Body>, it is required tag. Attributes are used only
when Grid.Paging = 3 (Load).
string id [] Unique ID of the
page. By this ID is page identified when downloading data for this page. Used
only if Rows are not set.
string Rows [] User string. If set, the page is identified by this string when
downloading data for this page. It usually contain list of rows page contains.
int Pos [] Page position, identifies page, used only in request.
string Name [] Name of page, displayed in pager. Can contain HTML code
string Title [] Title of page, displayed in pager as tool tip. Pure text. The
tooltip is displayed only for not active pages on pager.
string NameXY[] There can be predefined names according to sorting. If these are
set, the Name and Title are created from them.
These names specifies the first and
last value on page in sorting columns
X is boundary = 0 – both (both values are the same in this
column), 1 – top, 2 – bottom. Can be used either 0 or 1+2.
Y is sorting column 0,1,2.
There are possible combinations of XY
(separated by #):
10 => 20 # 10,11 => 20,21 #
10,11,12 => 20,21,22 # 00 # 00 | 11 => 21 #
00 | 11,12 => 21,22 # 00, 01 # 00, 01 | 12 => 22
example: Name00=’blue’ Name11=’100’ Name21=’154’ means that page shows all blue
values from 100 to 154.
int Count [0] Count of rows page contains. It specifies height of the page
when does not show rows yet.
... cells with result of specific aggregate function on children rows in
the column, for example <B Asum=’123.50’>, where A is column name ...
<I> One row settings and data. Values of not set attributes are read
from default specified by Def attribute or if not set, from <D Name=”R”>.
This tag can be in tags <Head>, <Foot>, <B>.
Main setting
string id [] Unique ID of the
row. If this attribute is not set, row cannot be identified and its changes
cannot be updated to server.
Therefore every
editable row needs to have set its id. All rows ids must be unique among all
row ids inside one grid.
The id is not
used in JavaScript API to access rows.
string Def [“R”] The name of
default (<D Name=””>). From
this default are read all attributes, cell values and attributes not explicitly
set in this row.
string CDef [“R”] The
name of default for child rows. This value is used as Def attribute value for children, if they have not set its own.
value is also used as value of Def
attribute for new child rows added to this parent.
dragging, the row can only accept children with their Def attribute with the same value as this CDef value.
the CDef is set to empty string, the
row cannot accept any children (by adding or by dragging).
string Kind [“Data”] A
kind of the row. This can be:
“Data” – Standard data row with cell
values. Can be fixed or variable. Can be source for calculations. Can be
sorted, filtered, ...
“Filter” – Row with filter settings for
filtering data rows. It is usually fixed row.
“User” – User row without columns.
Cannot be edited by standard grid functions. Can contain any html code. It is usually
fixed row.
is divided to sections. For every section displays HTML code from attribute LeftVal, MidVal or RightVal.
string Par [“”] For short format only. The name of the <P Name=””> with list of attribute names set in the row text.
string Class [“”] Name of CSS
style class to use for whole row
Row capabilites
bool CanEdit [1] Row
values can be edited.
bool CanFocus [1] Row
can be focused
bool CanDelete [1] Row
can be deleted
bool CanSelect [1] Row
can be selected
bool CanDrag [1] Row
can be moved by mouse dragging. To where can be row moved is specified by drop
target’s CDef attribute.
bool CanFilter [1] Row
can be filtered (hidden) by any filter
Row state, usually set in
uploaded data only
bool Deleted [0] Row
has been deleted and will be deleted from data when updating.
bool Added [0] Row
has been added and will be added to data when updating.
bool Changed [0] Any
row’s cell value has been changed. Which cell is specified by the cell’s
attribute Changed.
int Moved
[0] If and how row
has been moved. 0 – no, 1 – to another position in the same
parent, 2 – to another parent.
string Parent [] When
moved, this is id of the new parent row or “” if the row is the root row.
string Next [] When
moved, this is id of row before row have been added or “” if the row is the
last in its parent.
Other settings
bool Visible [1] Row
is visible.
bool Selected [0] Row
is selected
bool Expanded [1] Row
is expanded, displays its children. If ChildPaging
is set to 3, Expanded must be set to 0.
int Count [0] Count of children rows the row contains. Used
when ChildPaging is set to 3.
Must be set to > 0 if you want to download children
from server. It specifies height of the children after expand when downloading
If you use
ChildPaging=3 and set Count you also must set Expanded = 0.
bool Calculated [1] Row is calculated, at least one of
its cells contain Formula attribute. You must set the Calculated attribute, if
the condition is fulfilled.
performance needs, this can be used only in <D> and fixed <I>
only !
string [] CalcOrder [] If
row is calculated, there is comma separated list of column names. In this order
are row’s cells calculated.
it, if some cells formulas are depended on another calculated cells from the
row. If not set, alphabetical order is used.
performance needs, this can be used only in <D> and fixed <I>
only !
int Recalc
[3] What to
recalculate, if any value changed or row moves / is deleted / added. Binary mask.
1 – Row, 2 –
Calculated parents, 4 – All parents, 8 – Immediate children, 16 – All children,
256 – All table
It must contain at
least all bits as in cell’s Recalc parameters to ensure appropriate
string LeftVal [] Left
section value for User row
string MidVal [] Variable
section value for User row
string RightVal [] Right
section value for User row
... cells with result of specific aggregate function on children rows in
the column if ChildPaging=3, for
example <I Asum=’123.50’>, where A is column name ...
Cells Cell value and settings can be
set by two ways according to format used.
Cells can be in
tags <I>, <D>, <Header>
1) DTD Format – each cell settings is in separate child tag <U N=’column_name’
... /> with attributes named without
Cell value is in
attribute V.
Example: <I
id=’r1’ CanEdit=’0’><U N=’c1’ V=’xxx’/><U N=’c2’ V=’yyy’
2) Internal and shorts formats – all cells settings are in row
attributes. The attributes are named as column_name
+ attribute_name.
Cell values are in
attributes named only column_name.
Example: <I
id=’r1’ CanEdit=’0’ c1=’xxx’ c2=’yyy’ c2CanEdit=’1’/>
string Value Cell value in string.
Floating point
numbers use ‘.’ as decimal separator
and no thousands separator.
and time values are in number of milliseconds from 1.1.1970 00:00:00.000
(standard JavaScript Date.getTime()).
bool CanEdit Cell
value can be edited. Order testing if cell can be edited is: cell (+default),
row (+default), column(+default). The first value set is returned.
bool CanFocus Cell can be
focused. Order of testing is the same as in CanEdit.
string Type Overridden
column’s type
string Format [] Overridden
column’s format string
EditFormat [] Overridden column’s format string
for editing
string [] Enum [] Overridden
column’s list of values for enum
type. Due performance needs, this can be
used only in <D> and fixed <I> only !
string Formula [] Formula to
compute cell’s value. If formula of any cell in the row is set, the Calculated attribute must be set too.
performance needs, this can be used only in <D> and fixed <I>
only !
string Error [] If
set it means that cell contain invalid value. The cell is colored red and as
tool tip is displayed the Error
string Button [] Type of button on the right in the cell. None (no button), Button (user <BUTTON>), Img
(user <IMG>), Date (date
picker for date type),
Html (any HTML code). Default value is None for all types except date for that is Date. See also WidthPad
and ButtonText attributes.
int WidthPad
[0] Width
of button/img tag. If Button = Button
or Img or Html, then is required value
string ButtonText [''] Button
text or img src or HTML code for Button = Button
or Img or Html.
int Recalc
[] What to
recalculate, if value changed. Binary mask. Overrides row’s Recalc parameter.
1 – Row, 2 –
Calculated parents, 4 – All parents,
8 – Immediate children, 16 – All children, 256 – All table
string sum, count, ... In
<B> tag for Cfg.Paging=3 or <I> tag for Cfg.ChildPaging=3, result
of aggregate function on children rows in the column.
<Pager> Settings of pager
bool Visible If
pager is visible. Pager can be visible only if Grid.Paging > 0. Pager visibility
user can select from configuration menu and is saved to cookies.
string Caption Pager
int Width Starting width of pager in pixels.
bool CanResize If pager can
be resized by user
<Toolbar> Settings of bottom toolbar
string Tag [“”] If set,
the id of tag where to render the toolbar, if there is need to show toolbar
outside the grid. In trial version this
attribute is ignored.
bool Visible [1] If
toolbar is visible. In trial version this
attribute is ignored.
bool Save, Reload,
Repaint, Add, AddChild,
Sort, Calc, ExpandAll,
CollapseAll, Cfg, Help [1] If this
button is visible. Default is 1 for all.
<MenuCfg> Settings of configuration dialog
bool ShowDeleted, AutoSort,
AutoUpdate, Separator1, MouseHover, ShowDrag,
ShowPanel, ShowIcons, ShowPager, ShowAllPages
this option is visible. Default is 1 for all.
<P> For short formats
only. Predefined list of attribute names for row pointed by Par attribute. This tag can only be in
tag <Par>.
string Name Name of
parameter. To this names points row by the Par
string List Comma
separated list of row’s attribute names. Attribute names always use Internal format