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TreeGrid documentation index


Short index


TreeGrid basic concepts (read this first!)


Frequently Asked Questions


Using TreeGrid on HTML page


XML data format - Basic description


XML data format - Configuration reference


XML data format - Columns reference


XML data format - Rows reference

Special rows

Fixed special rows
Tag <User> reference (fixed special row with no special function to show custom html code)
Tag <Filter> reference (fixed special row with user interface for filtering rows according to particular column(s))
Solid special rows
Tag <Search> reference (solid special row with user interface for searching and advanced filtering in grid)
Tag <Group> reference (solid special row with user interface for grouping data rows according to the same values in selected column(s))
Tag <SimplePager> reference (solid special row with user interface for paging - simple horizontal pager with links to all pages)
Tag <Toolbar> reference (solid special row with user interface for controling grid)

XML data format - Mouse and key actions schema


XML data format - Image, colors and texts reference

Tag <Img> reference (images settings, image files and sizes)
Tag <Lang> reference (language settings, all message texts, alerts, menu items and also format settings)

Cell formats


Cell formulas


JavaScript API reference


TreeGrid layout


Changing styles and images


TreeGrid server library


TreeGrid JSP (Java) framework


User help


Complete feature index