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TreeGrid versions compatibility

Changes log (txt file) Using custom CSS from 13.3 to 14.0 Upgrading from 9.3 to 10.0 Upgrading from 5.9 to 6.0

Using in JavaScript frameworks

Angular Ember Express React Svelte Vue Other frameworks NodeJS server SalesForce LWC

Creating grid

Simple examples Basic information Creating grid Deleting grid Reloading grid Rendering grid Accessing grid by API

Data & communication
Data communication with server

Communication types AJAX communication AJAX SOAP envelope Submit communication Directly included data Data from JavaScript Cross domain / local load by JSONP Sessions (AJAX) Server response (AJAX) Synchronous communication (AJAX) Caching (AJAX) API (AJAX)

Download data

Settings for data download Layout XML structure Data XML structure

Upload data

Settings for data upload API for upload XML structure sent to server

Changing data from server

XML structure of download changes XML structure of request for a cell Synchronizing data with server

Input / output data formats

Complete list of tags Internal XML format Short XML format Extra short XML format DTD XML format JSON format

Cell basics

Cell type Cell format Dynamic format Dynamic type Cell value Reading / writing attributes by API Cell HTML Cell default Range or more values in one cell Cell with link URL Cell hint Cell tooltip / title Cell popup menu

Cell editing and changing values

Cell editability Dynamic editing Locking Defaults list Suggest list (auto complete) Tags input Changing cell value Mass cell change Clearing cells Editing cells Controlling <input> tag by JavaScript Input validation and restrictions Side checkbox Cell selecting

Calculations - cell formulas

Basics Formulas Mathematical functions Aggregate functions Special functions for actions Custom functions

Calculations - editable cell formulas

Basics Suggest list (auto complete) Defined names Actions for choosing cells Conditional functions Lookup functions Cell reference functions Logical functions Informational functions Mathematical functions Trigonometry functions Rounding numbers Number conversions String functions Date functions Summary functions Custom functions

Cell side buttons

Introduction Right side Button Left side Icon

Cell spanning

Column span Row span Dynamic spanning

Cell style and color

Basic grid style Sizing and scaling - responsive design Dynamic cell style attributes Cell CSS class Cell background color Dynamic cell border Cell HTML style Row color alteration Cell mouse cursor

Editable cell images

Insert image Edit image

Cell types
Automatic type - Auto String - Text, Lines & Pass
Number - Int & Float

Format Localization

Date and time - Date

Format Calendar component Dates dialog Localization

List & combo - Enum & Radio

Introduction Definition Related lists Enum specific Radio specific

Checkbox - Bool
Action button - Button

Introduction Basic clickable button Switch button Radio / tab button Menu button Combo switch button Combo radio / tab button Special Space rows with buttons

Panel with more buttons - Panel

Definition Standard fast panel Custom panel

HTML and special types

Html type EHtml type (editable) Icon type Abs type List type Editable Link type Editable Img type DropCols type Upload File type


Column basics Column index Column visibility Column visibility menu Column selecting Column tree Auto column tree Column position and moving Column adding and copying Column deleting Column width Column API

Row basics

Rows by functionality Rows by position Row name Row id Row index

Default rows

Description Example of default rows Example of changing default row Attributes

Row tree

Tree attributes Actions & API for expand / collapse

Row identification

Setting row id attribute Row id attribute in tree Row id created from cell values API for row ids

Row visibility
Row adding and copying

Five ways of adding rows to grid Adding and copying restrictions Adding new empty rows Copying existing rows

Row deleting Row moving and dragging Row selecting Row height Row API Space rows
Sorting rows

Sort settings Controlling sort position Comparing strings Sorting actions Sorting API

Grouping rows to tree

Group settings Creating groups Comparing strings Created group rows <D Group='1'/> User interface to choose grouping Grouping actions and API

Filtering rows

Filter settings Comparing strings User interface to choose filter Filter actions and API

Searching in rows and cells

Search settings User interface for search Search actions and API

Printing grid

Print settings Choosing items to print Page size Print API

Print / export to PDF

Introduction Client side settings Printing options Client side API Server side API Data sent from client to server

Export to Excel or CSV

Introduction and export types Basic settings Styling export XLSX export Gantt export CSV export Old XLS / XHTML export Export API Communication with server Client export Server export

Import from Excel

Basic settings Sheets manipulation

Copy & paste rows via clipboard

Copy & paste permissions Copying to clipboard Pasting from clipboard

Master - detail grids

Introduction External master - detail grids Nested master - detail grids Synchronizing grids Other attributes for master - detail

Pivot tables

Pivot attributes & API Pivot formulas

External objects (custom JavaScript objects) Undo & Redo
Gantt and bar chart
Gantt objects

Gantt objects list Display settings Edit settings

Main bar

Definition of main bar and plans Main bar as Task Edit settings Main bar content and side html Tip on mouse hover Vertical position and height Style specific attributes API to manipulate Main bars Actions Side text (deprecated) Real Flow (deprecated)

Run bar

GanttRun Definition Extended definition Run bar as Task Edit settings Save format Selecting Run boxes Run box content and side html Tip on mouse hover Box identification Vertical position and height Style specific attributes Overlaid (Error) boxes Containers for more boxes Dragging - moving and resizing API to manipulate Run boxes Actions Run special formulas

Summary task

Main for Main Main for Run Editable Main Editable Run

Gantt icons - Flag & Point

Flag - icon with text Point - math points

Gantt display objects

Header - column captions Cell and column Background Vertical movable Line Mark & Progress line

Gantt zoom

Zoom options Chart size limits Zoom selection Paging in Gantt chart

Dependency, constraints & schedule

Introduction Data units Defining dependencies Dependency colors and shapes Changing dependencies Correcting dependencies Scheduling algorithm Project date constraints Task date constraints Critical path - Slack (Float)

Gantt calendars

Global base calendar Local calendar Calendar list Calendars dialog Other settings

Gantt resources

Resources list Resources assign Resources filter Resources calculations Availability chart Resource usage chart Generated resource usage chart

Gantt popup menu Gantt API
Line and XY points charts

Charts in grid cells Chart JSON definition Base chart settings Basic attributes Size Axis and caption Individual chart lines Data sources Visual settings API for standalone usage

Paging in large grids
Paging root rows

Paging types and attributes Auto adding root pages API for paging

Pager components

Side pager Side pager type Pages Side pager type Gantt Side pager type Custom Pager with navigation buttons & edit Pager as list of page indexes

Paging in tree

ChildPaging - load / render on expand MaxChildren - limit children count ChildParts - load / render on scroll

Paging columns

Paging types and attributes Auto adding column pages API for column paging

Server paging

Server paging for root rows Server communication in root paging Root paging in very large tables Server paging in tree Server communication in tree paging XML Request for Data in root paging XML Download Data in root paging XML Request for root Page / children XML Download root Page / children API for server paging

TreeGrid DLL/SO for server paging

Introduction Compatibility with TreeGrid control Using TreeGrid server DLL/SO ASP.NET C# ASP.NET VB PHP JSP Java TreeGrid server concepts Function reference Calculations

JSON menus and dialogs
JSON menu description JSON menu definition example
Menu settings

Base attributes Visual settings Key navigation Behavior Size and scroll

Menu item settings

Base attributes Clickable item Inactive caption Collapsible sub level Popup sub menu Columns Bool item Enum item Edit item

Custom menu in JavaScript

Show custom menu Custom menu position Custom menu advanced settings Custom menu JavaScript events Custom menu JavaScript methods

Calendar dialog Custom calendar & JavaScript events Custom dialog in JavaScript
Global grid settings
Grid size and scroll

Default behavior Maximize grid height and width Update size according to the content Let a user to control the grid size Widths of individual sections Other scrolling attributes and API

Media rules - responsive design

Language & regional setup (Text.xml) Translate texts dynamically Change language

Grid cursor - Focus & hover

Focused cell and row Focused cell range Move and copy focused cells Filling cell values by dragging Tabulator navigation Key navigation Cursor look - focus & hover

Selecting rows, cells and columns

Selecting base Selecting rows Selecting cells Selecting columns

Global settings

Status messages Configuration menus Configuration menu - options Configuration menu - columns Configuration menu - print / PDF Configuration menu - export Default toolbar Useful API function Help file


Animations base Row animations Column animations Cell animations Animations for undo / redo Animations for server side changes Dialog animations

Grid configuration in cookies
Mouse & key events & actions

List of event handler types TreeGrid mouse events Mouse event names Key and mouse button prefixes Touch event names Event targets Assigning event actions / callbacks Event action parameters Action name suffix Calling actions from JavaScript Creating custom actions Focused vs. Actual cell TreeGrid key events JavaScript API events

Mouse API event TreeGrid files
Debugging and testing

Debug window Automated testing

Changes from 5.9 to 6.0

TreeGrid documentation

CSS styles

chg 6.0


CSS styles changed remarkably
Now all the style definitions are in file Grid.css in appropriate style sub directory in /Grid.
All grid images are referenced only from Grid.css file and never directly from TreeGrid code.
The structure in Grid.css has completely changed from 5.9, if you have any custom CSS styles for grid, you must rewrite them.
del 6.0


Tag completely removed and replaced by CSS styles
del 6.0


Tag completely removed and replaced by CSS styles
del 6.0


Tag completely removed and replaced by CSS styles
del 6.0 <Styles> bool


[0]   Replaced by <Cfg UsePrefix/>
del 6.0 <Styles> string


[0]   Replaced by <Cfg Style/>

Data communication

chg 6.0 <treegrid,bdo> string


["Internal"]   Default value changed
chg 6.0 <treegrid,bdo> string


["GET"/"POST"]   Default value changed
Default value is POST when set server paging (Paging='3'), otherwise is GET.
chg 6.0 <treegrid,bdo> int


[0]   Default value changed
Now it is 0 by default also in registered version.

Actions and events

chg 6.0


Tag attributes changed remarkably
Now all attribute names (events) start with prefix On.
The mouse event names (targets) changed remarkably, the mouse event targets have different structure, see Events document.
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by <Panel> <Space cell> CopyMenu
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by <Panel> <Space cell> CopyMenu
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by <Panel> <Space cell> CopyMenu
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by <Panel> <Space cell> CopyMenu
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by <Panel> <Space cell> CopyMenu
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Copy
<Cfg CopySelected='0' CopyFocused='1' CopyCols='1'/> <Actions OnCtrlC='Copy'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Copy
<Cfg CopySelected='0' CopyFocused='30' CopyCols='0'/> <Actions OnCtrlC='Copy'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Copy
<Cfg CopySelected='0' CopyFocused='20' CopyCols='0'/> <Actions OnCtrlC='Copy'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Copy
<Cfg CopySelected='0' CopyFocused='1' CopyCols='0'/> <Actions OnCtrlC='Copy'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Copy
<Cfg CopySelected='1' CopyFocused='0' CopyCols='1'/> <Actions OnCtrlC='Copy'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Exclude
<Cfg CopySelected='0' CopyFocused='1' CopyCols='1'/> <Actions OnCtrlC='Exclude'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Exclude
<Cfg CopySelected='0' CopyFocused='1' CopyCols='1'/> <Actions OnCtrlC='Exclude'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='1' PasteCols='4'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='2' PasteCols='4'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='4' PasteCols='4'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='0' PasteCols='4'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='1' PasteFocused='0' PasteCols='0'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='3' PasteCols='0'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='2' PasteCols='0'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='3' PasteCols='3'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='2' PasteCols='3'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='1' PasteCols='1'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='2' PasteCols='1'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='4' PasteCols='1'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='6' PasteCols='1'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='1' PasteFocused='0' PasteCols='1'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='30' PasteCols='0'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='20' PasteCols='0'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='30' PasteCols='3'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>
del 6.0 <Actions>


Replaced by Paste
<Cfg PasteSelected='0' PasteFocused='20' PasteCols='3'/> <Actions OnCtrlV='Paste'/>

XML attributes

del 6.0 <Cfg> string[ ]


[""]   Replaced by Sort
The Sort is now string and not array also for API.
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[""]   Replaced by Sort
The 1 is set as minus in front of the column name.
del 6.0 <Cfg> string


Renamed to DefaultSort
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


[3]   Renamed to MaxSort
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


Renamed to MaxChildrenEmpty
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


[0]   Renamed to CaseSensitiveId
IdCompare = 4 => CaseSensitiveId = 0; IdCompare = 0 => CaseSensitiveId = 1
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


[0]   Removed
Now is permitted free drop by default and can be restricted by Def / AcceptDef.
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


[0]   Removed
Now is permitted free drop by default and can be restricted by Def / AcceptDef.
<Cfg> string[ ]


Renamed to Group
The Group is now string and not array also for API.
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


Now the grouping is controlled by column attributes for grouping and cannot be saved to cookies or sent to server
bit 2 (&2)<C LocaleCompare>
bit 3 (&4)<C CaseInsensitive>
bit 4 (&8)<C WhiteChars>
bit 5 (&16)<C GroupEmpty>
bit 6 (&32)<C GroupSingle>
bit 7 (&64)<C GroupEmpty>
bit 8 (&128)<C GroupDeleted>
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


[0]   Replaced by GroupRestoreSort and GroupSortMain
1. bit (&1)Removed, the action is done always
2. bit (&2)<C GroupRestoreSort>
3. bit (&4)<C GroupSortMain>
4. bit (&8)<C GroupSortMain>
del 6.0 <Cfg> string


[0]   Replaced by <Actions OnUngroup/>
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


[176(16+32+128)]   Replaced by various Search attributes
1. bit (&1)<Cfg SearchCells/>
2. bit (&2)<Cfg SearchHidden>
3. bit (&4)<Cfg SearchCaseSensitive>
4. bit (&8)<Cfg SearchExpand>
5. bit (&16)<Cfg SearchFocused='2'>
6. bit (&32)<Cfg SearchFocused='3'>
7. bit (&64)<Cfg SearchFocused='4'>
8. bit (&128)<Cfg SearchNotFound>
chg 6.0 <Cfg> int


[1]   Settings >1 replaced by other attributes
1. bit (&1) <Cfg PasteSelected>
2., 3., 4. bit (&2, 4, 8)<Cfg PasteFocused>
5., 6. bit (&16, 32)<Cfg PasteCols>
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


[0]   Replaced by <Panel Visible/>
chg 6.0 <Cfg><treegrid/bdo> int


[0]   Added more options
Which TreeGrid status messages will be suppressed.
0Messages during loading and updating grid on start and on reload
10 + Informational messages shown when longer task is run
21 + Message inside loading or rendering page
32 + Error message if TreeGrid cannot show
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


[1/0]   Replaced by <treegrid / bdo Debug='problem'>
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


[1/0]   Replaced by <treegrid / bdo Debug='problem'>
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


[0]   Replaced by <treegrid / bdo Debug='info'>
del 6.0 <Cfg> string


Replaced by <C CanEmpty/> and <C EmptyValue/>
del 6.0 <Cfg> string


Replaced by <C CanEmpty/> and <C EmptyValue/>
del 6.0 <Cfg> string


Replaced by <C CanEmpty/> and <C EmptyValue/>
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


Renamed to ShowVScroll
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


[0]   Replaced by various printing attributes
2.bit (&2)<Cfg PrintExpanded/>
5.,6.,7.,8.,9. bit (&16, &32, &64, &128, &256)<I CanPrint/>
10. bit (&512)<Cfg PrintPageBreaks/>
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


Replaced by CSS classes GxTop, GxTop1 - GxTop5
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


Replaced by CSS classes GxBottom, GxBottom1 - GxBottom5
Section displayed bellow the grid, the same structure as Top attribute.
Example of rounded corners with five pixels height and one pixel border:
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


Removed completely
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


Replaced by TMenu MaxHeight
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


Replaced by CSS attribute z-index in various classes
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


Removed completely and the functionality is unsupported
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


[3]   Replaced by CSS classes GxDragCol...
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[3,3,3,3]   Replaced by CSS class GxMessageShadow
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[3,3,3,3]   Replaced by CSS class GxMenuShadow
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[3,3,3,3]   Replaced by CSS class GxMenuShadow
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[3,3,3,3]   Replaced by CSS class GxMenuShadow
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[3,3,3,3]   Replaced by CSS class GxMenuShadow
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[3,3,3,3]   Replaced by CSS class GxMenuShadow
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[9,9,3,3]   Replaced by CSS class GxMenuShadow
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[3,3,3,3]   Replaced by CSS class GxHintShadow
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[3,3,3,3]   Replaced by CSS class GxTipShadow
del 6.0 <Cfg> int[ ]


[0,16]   Removed, the functionality is done automatically
chg 6.0 <Cfg> type


[0,1]   Default value changed
By default it is set to 0, if some date in input XML is set as number of milliseconds, otherwise is set to 1.
del 6.0 <Cfg> type


[0]   Removed, the functionality is done automatically
del 6.0 <Cfg> type


[0]   Renamed to MinRowHeight
chg 6.0 <Cfg> type


[0]   Default value changed
By default is 0 for text and 1 for number and date.
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


Renamed to MaxVScroll
The attribute in 6.0 exists, but has different functionality, the original functionality is done by MaxVScroll.
chg 6.0 <Cfg> int


[2]   Default value changed to new option
2the edit mode is run when user clicks to already focused editable cell or double clicks some editable cell or presses character key or Enter, F2 or Backspace.
del 6.0 <Cfg> type


[0]   Replaced by actions AddRowEndPage and AddRowEndGrid
del 6.0 <C><Panel> string


Replaced by Class
The Class usage is different, because it is added to the default CSS classes instead of replacing them like in 5.9.
The Class is applied to <TD> tag and not to <DIV> tag like in 5.9.
del 6.0 <Panel><Header cell> string


Removed completely
del 6.0 <C> <cell> int


Removed completely, <SELECT> tag is unsupported
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


Removed, not required
del 6.0 <C> int


Renamed to GanttHeaderTrim
del 6.0 <C> <cell> int


Replaced by various Gantt options
1.bit (&1)<C GanttHover/>
2.bit (&2)<C GanttIcons/>
4.bit (&8)<C GanttEdit/>, Resources item
5.bit (&16)<C GanttEdit/>, Main item
6.bit (&32)<C GanttEdit/>, Flow item
7.bit (&64)<C GanttEdit/>, Flags item
8.bit (&128)<C GanttEdit/>, Dependency item
del 6.0 <C> bool


[0]   Removed, not required
del 6.0 <C> int


[0]   Replaced by various Sort settings
bit 2 (&2)<C LocaleCompare>
bit 3 (&4)<C CaseInsensitive>
bit 4 (&8)<C WhiteChars>
chg 6.0 <C> <cell> string


Now used whenever defined
del 6.0 <C><I><cell> bool


Renamed to Tip
chg 6.0 <C> <cell> string


Various changes
None value changed to empty string.
Img value removed, now the image is shown if the image file is directly assigned to the Button.
del 6.0 <cell> int


[20]   Removed completely, functionality unsupported
Now the WidthPad attribute is supported only for <C> tag, for the whole column.
del 6.0 <C> <cell> string[*]


Replaced by Menu attribute, TMenuItem Icon
del 6.0 <C> <cell> string


Replaced by Menu attribute, TDialog Header
del 6.0 <C> char


Removed completely, functionality done by another way
del 6.0 <C> int


[0]   Removed completely, functionality done by another way
del 6.0 <C> <cell> bool


[0]   Replaced by CSS attribute text-overflow:ellipsis
To show the ellipsis in cell (in IE only), set the text-overflow:ellipsis to the class GxCell, GxHeader or to other Cell CSS classes.
del 6.0 <cell> string


Replaced by OnChange and OnClick XML actions
For Button type use OnClick, for Select or editable cell use OnChange XML event.
del 6.0 <D> string


Replaced by OnGroup XML event
del 6.0 <I> int


[0]   Removed completely, functionality unsupported
del 6.0 <I> int


[0]   Removed completely, functionality unsupported
del 6.0 <I> string


Removed completely, functionality unsupported
chg 6.0 <I cell> string[ ]


[0]   Changed syntax
Now the Merge contains list of columns and not their count.
del 6.0 <I> int


[0]   Replaced by Merge
chg 6.0 <I cell> string


Changed syntax
Now it contains column name and not column position.
del 6.0 <Space> string


Replaced by cell Type='Html'
del 6.0 <Space cell> string


Removed completely, functionality unsupported
del 6.0 <I> string


Replaced by LeftHtml
del 6.0 <I> string


Replaced by MidHtml
del 6.0 <I> string


Replaced by RightHtml
del 6.0 <Filter> int


[0]   Replaced by various Filter attributes
bit 2 (&2)<C LocaleCompare>
bit 3 (&4)<C CaseInsensitive>
bit 4 (&8)<C WhiteChars>
del 6.0 <Group> int[ ][*]


Now the grouping is controlled by column attributes for grouping and cannot be saved to cookies or sent to server.
bit 2 (&2)<C LocaleCompare>
bit 3 (&4)<C LocaleCompare>
bit 4 (&8)<C LocaleCompare>
bit 5 (&16)<C LocaleCompare>
bit 6 (&32)<C LocaleCompare>
bit 7 (&64)<C LocaleCompare>
bit 8 (&128)<C LocaleCompare>
del 6.0 <Toolbar> int


[1]   Replaced by <Cfg MenuColumnsCount/>
del 6.0 <Cfg> bool


[0] < Removed completely, attribute not required
del 6.0 <Cfg> int


[0/7] < Replaced by <C> <cell> CalendarButtons
del 6.0 <MenuCfg> bool


Replaced by SortClick
upd 6.0 <Panel> bool


<Panel> has all attributes of <C>
upd 6.0 <Panel> bool


<Panel> has all attributes of <C>
del 6.0 <C> string


['']   Replaced completely
The Enum look in cell can be controlled by Class and ClassInner.
The Enum list menu can be controlled by EnumMenu, parameter Class.
chg 6.0 <C> <cell> string[*]


Changed functionality
The special item *+X (collapsible level) is replaced by TreeGrid menu Level settings.
The special item *- (separator) is replaced by '-'.
chg 6.0 <C> <cell> string[*]


Changed functionality
The special item *+X (collapsible level) is replaced by TreeGrid menu Level settings.
The special item *- (separator) is replaced by '-'.
upd 6.0 <Header> bool


<Header> has all attributes of <I>
upd 6.0 <Header> bool


<Header> has all attributes of <I>
upd 6.0 <Header> bool


<Header> has all attributes of <I>
upd 6.0 <Header> bool


<Header> has all attributes of <I>
del 6.0 <Header> bool


Removed completely, useless
del 6.0 <Header> int


Replaced by more <Header> tags
In 6.0 there can be more <Header> tags in grid in <Head> and <Foot> section and they replace all multiline attributes from 5.9.
del 6.0 <Header> int


[0]   Replaced by more <Header> tags
del 6.0 <Header> string


[""]   Replaced by more <Header> tags
del 6.0 <Header> int


[1]   Replaced by more <Header> tags
del 6.0 <Header> string


[""]   Replaced by more <Header> tags
del 6.0 <Header> int


[1]   Replaced by more <Header> tags
del 6.0 <Header> string


[""]   Replaced by more <Header> tags
del 6.0 <Header> int


[1]   Replaced by more <Header> tags
chg 6.0 <C><I><cell> string


Different usage
ClassInner now adds new <DIV> tags into the cell and sets its class attribute.
Wrap and Align and type classes are applied to this <DIV> instead of the cell itself.
Use ClassInner to add some inner border and margin to the cell, for other settings use Class attribute instead.
Remember, setting ClassInner for many cells can slow down the grid rendering and usage!
chg 6.0 <C><cell> string


Behavior changed
Now the cell formula is always used instead of column formula, also if row is not calculated.
Now the column formula is used also in calculated row.
del 6.0 <Space> string


["GSpace"]   Target changed
The row Class attribute is now class for all cells in the row.
The CSS class for the space row can be set by custom Kind attribute.
del 6.0 <Space cell> int


Replaced by Radio

API events

chg 6.0 API event string


(TGrid grid, TRow row, string col, string cls)
The OnGetClass now replaces only custom cell class set by Class attribute. cls is the Class attribute value.
chg 6.0 API event string


(TGrid grid, TRow row, string col, string enum)
Now the enum is string, not array. It should return also string and not array.
del 6.0 API event int


(...)   Renamed to OnCanDrop
chg 6.0 API event string


(TGrid grid, Window window, string report)   Parameters changed
Now it should not return array of strings to change the report, but only one string as the report itself.
del 6.0 API event void


(...)   Removed completely, event unsupported
del 6.0 API event void


(...)   Replaced by On...
del 6.0 API event bool


(...)   Renamed to OnFilter
chg 6.0 API event bool


(TGrid grid, string group)   Parameters changed
chg 6.0 API event bool


(TGrid grid, string[ ] pastedtext, string[ ] cols)   Parameters changed
chg 6.0 API event void


(TGrid grid)   Parameters changed
chg 6.0 API event bool


(TGrid grid, TRow row, string col, int x, int y, Event event)   Parameters changed
Removed parameter handled, so the event parameter is now shifted.
chg 6.0 API event bool


(TGrid grid, TRow row, string col, string result)   Parameters changed
Index parameter removed and result is shifted.
del 6.0 API event bool


(...)   Replaced by <Cfg TabStop/>
chg 6.0 API event string


(TGrid grid, TRow row, string col, string val)   Parameters changed
The val is now the value itself and not any object.
chg 6.0 API event bool


(TGrid grid, TRow row, string col, bool save, string val)   Return value changed
Now can return only 1 or 0 to cancel finish or not. The return value is ignored when save is 0.
chg 6.0 API event void


(TGrid grid, object source, int result, string message, string data)   Parameters changed
del 6.0 API event void


(...)   Replaced by OnDataError
chg 6.0 API event void


(TGrid grid, object source)   Parameters changed
Now it called with data source and not with the row. The row is accessible by source.Row.
del 6.0 API event void


(TGrid grid, int index)   Replaced by XML events OnClickButton...
chg 6.0 API event void


(...)   Removed completely, event unsupported
chg 6.0 API event void


(TGrid grid, TMenu menu)   Parameters changed
chg 6.0 API event void


(TGrid grid, TMenu menu)   Parameters changed

API methods and properties

del 6.0 global func. bool


(Event event, string Value)   Removed completely
del 6.0 global func. bool


(Event event, string Value)   Removed completely
del 6.0 global func. bool


(Event event, string Value)   Removed completely
del 6.0 global func. int


(Event event)   Removed completely
del 6.0 global func. object


(object o)   Removed completely
del 6.0 global func. void


(string HTML, string name)   Removed completely
del 6.0 API variable TRow


Renamed to Body
del 6.0 API variable TRow


Renamed to Head
del 6.0 API variable TRow


Renamed to Foot
del 6.0 API variable TRow


Renamed to Solid
del 6.0 API variable TRow


Renamed to Header
del 6.0 API method bool


( )   Renamed to Update
chg 6.0 API variable TMenu


Type changed
Now it points to TMenu object.
del 6.0 API variable bool


Replaced by Calculated
del 6.0 API variable object


Renamed to Source
del 6.0 API event type[ ]


(int left)   Removed completely
In 6.0 version exists function with the same name, but with completely different functionality.
del 6.0 API method TRow[ ]


(int sec)   Removed completely
Use such loop: for(var r=grid.Head.firstChild;r;r=r.nextSibling){ ... }
chg 6.0 API method void


(string sortcols)   Parameters changed
Now it has only one parameter as the sort string.
del 6.0 API method void


( )   Renamed to RenderBody
del 6.0 API method void


(TRow row)   Renamed to RemoveRow
del 6.0 API method void


(TRow row)   Removed completely
del 6.0 API method void


(TRow row, int sec)   Removed completely, function unsupported
It is strongly recommended to not access the row DOM, only cell content.
del 6.0 API method void


(TRow row, int sec)   Removed completely, function unsupported
It is strongly recommended to not access the row children DOM, only cell content.
chg 6.0 API method object


(TRow row, string col)   Reduced functionality
Now the GetCell method always returns the cell DOM, tag <TD>.
chg 6.0 API method TMenu


(...)   Return value changed
chg 6.0 API method object


(...)   Replaced by global ShowMenu function
chg 6.0 API method string


(...)   Removed completely
chg 6.0 API method string


(...)   Removed completely
chg 6.0 API method string[ ]


(TRow row, string col)   Removed completely
Enum is now accessible always as plain string.
del 6.0 API method int


(TRow row, string col, string val)   Removed completely
del 6.0 API method bool


(string tag = "", string id = "")   Removed completely
Now the identity should not be changed on fly. You can only add and remove grids.
del 6.0 API method void


( )   Removed completely
Now the identity should not be changed on fly. You can only add and remove grids.
del 6.0 API method void


(object DataIO, string Data, function Func)   Replaced by global function AjaxCall
del 6.0 API method void


(object DataIO, string Data, function Func)   Replaced by method AjaxCall
del 6.0 API method void


(object DataIO, function Func)   Replaced by ReadData
del 6.0 API method void


( )   Removed completely
del 6.0 API method string


(TRow row, string col)   Removed completely, function unsupported
del 6.0 API method int


(TRow row)   Removed completely, function unsupported
del 6.0 API method string


(string ident)   Replaced by Lang.Text[ident]
del 6.0 API method string


(string ident)   Replaced by Lang.Alert[ident]
del 6.0 API method bool


(Event event, int move)   Replaced by <Cfg TabStop />
del 6.0 API method void


(bool show)   Replaced by SortRows
del 6.0 API method bool


(TRow row, string col)   Removed completely
del 6.0 API method TClick


(MouseEvent e)   Removed completely, function unsupported
chg 6.0 API method void


(string Style, string CSS, bool render)   Parameters changed
chg 6.0 API method string


(function func)   Parameters changed
Now it uses options according to grid print settings.
Usable also when report is generated asynchronously by setting PrintRows.
del 6.0 API method void


(HTMLElement table)   Removed completely, function not required
del 6.0 API method void


(string name, string action)   Replaced by Actions[name] = action